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PostitusPostitatud: Teis Sept 14, 2010 5:54 pm    Teema: Vasta viitega

Motosummer kirjutas:
Minu meelest, sina kirjutad palju, aga väga laialivalguvalt, teised ei viitsi nii palju lugeda, ja veel vähem süveneda. Sind ei huvita tehnika, mind ei huvita juudid.

See viimane väide on nüüd sildistamine. Aga mis siis.
Kuigi pole võimalik ega otstarbekas kosmoses mingi laevaga suuri vahemaid läbida, on võimalik teleportatsioonitehnoloogia loomine. Tsivilisatsioonide kontakt kosmoses on võimalik ainult siis, kui kaks tsivilisatsiooni on nii kaugele jõudnud, et mõlemad suudavad ehitada "tähevärava" läbi mille saab üksteisel külas käia. Inimesesugusele madalalaubalisele tõprale jääb säärane tehnotase veel liiga kõrgeks, kiskja ei suuda nii kaugele areneda või kui isegi suudaks ( sest teleportatsioon järgneb telepaatiale, telepaatia aga saab sündida ainult tasakaalustatud teadvuses, kiskjalik OLEMUS aga on alati sõltuv kõige nõmedamast jõust: nõrkusest ) siis ükski mõistusega olend poleks nõus sellist ohtliku olendit enda juurde laskma kes ta ära sööb või hierarhiatesse orjaks mannutab. Seepärast jäävad kosmosetsivilisatsioonid ootama inimese arengut ja toetavad telepaatiliselt kontaktlerite kaudu inimkonna arengut. Eks see dinosaurustest inimeseks arenemine võtnud ju aega, aga elu on ilusamaks läinud. Mis puutub juutidesse, siis siionistid on justkui inimkonna egohierarhiate ja parasiitliku kiskjalikuse kehastused. Nad teenivad vanatühi jehoovat, täites omanikutunde prügikasti ja läbi selle naudivad väljavalitute narkootikumi ehk orjade nõrkuse jõu poolusliku ülevat mõnunõret mis neile egotähtsuse näol avaldub, pannes nad uskuma, et nad on "väljavalitud", inimkonna lõvid ehk justkui nn. "loomade kuningad". Säärane mandunud mõtteviis hoiab tagasi murranguliste tehnoloogiate kanaleid universumis. Teslagi ei paljastanud kõiki oma leiutisi, kuna inimkond polevat selleks valmis. Tehnika on igaljuhul huvitav asi. Ma leiutasin isegi igiliikuri, kuid tuli välja, et keegi on ette jõudnud. See oli selline ratta moodi millel olid labad küljes, muidugi see ei töötanud. Siis sai magnetid külge pandud aga ikka ei töötanud. Hiljem leiutasin sellise kolbmootori moodi magnetmootori, mis peaks kindlasti töötama, kuid selleks on vajalik materjal mis isoleerib magnetvälja, seda aga pole olemas vist...

gladiaator kirjutas:
Mina proovisin ka väiksena igiliikurit leiutada,oli selline vesiratta moodi ja rennidega süsteem aga ei töötanud juba naägemuses,olin siis vist 10 aastane,kaht ketast tahtsin ka kiiresti üksteise lähedal keerlema panna,et jõudu tekitada jälle ebaõnnestus.Siis tegin veel katseid elavhõbedaga ja püüdsin seda kuumutades universumi saldusi avastada.Natuke hiljem kui olin umbes 12 aastane tahtsin vee peal kõndima hakata,mäletan siiamaanis seda tunnet,kui tiigi ääres seisin,aga miski raisk tuli vahele ega lasknud. Laughing

Ka mina keetsin heavi metalit: kulda elavhõbedas. Kuid tegin seda õues, sest lenduvad aurud pidid nii mürgised olema, et löövad kolmanda silma kohe kinni ( seepärast euroopa liit vist pirne säästabki ). Selle sodi mis järgi jäi kui elavhõbe oli lendunud sõin ära ( ei teagi miks, pole siiani selgusele jõudnud, äkki tahtsin rikkaks saada, äkki vaimselt terveks, kurat seda teab ). Võibolla sääraste asjade tõttu ongi mul telepaatia raskendatud

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Teis Apr 26, 2011 11:50 am). Kokku muudetud 2 korda
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Liitunud: 5 Veeb 2005
Postitusi: 909

PostitusPostitatud: Teis Sept 14, 2010 10:04 pm    Teema: Vasta viitega

see oli päris hea
Зри в корень! - - Козьма Прутков
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Indigo päike.
Indigo päike.

Liitunud: 27 Sept 2006
Postitusi: 1143
Asukoht: areen

PostitusPostitatud: Kolm Sept 15, 2010 1:23 am    Teema: Vasta viitega

Kui see päris hea oli mulle mõeldud,siis võin öelda,et head ei olnud selles suurt midagi,sest põhilised saavutused jäid teostamata sellel kujul nagu plaanitud,nii naljakas kui see ei tundu. Laughing
me kõik peame võitlema
son of the creator will return
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PostitusPostitatud: Esm Apr 25, 2011 5:42 pm    Teema: Eriti demokraatlik rahvas, kes valib end ise välja: Vasta viitega 20 April 2010 Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler “The Triple Alliance of Stalin-Ben-Gurion-Hitler” Hitler oli juudi verd

Holocaustis ei tasu kahelda ( kül selle mastaabis ja läbiviimise metoodikas ), holocaust on kreeka keeles põletusohver. Hitler põletas teise maailmasõja ajal segaverelisi kelle soontes voolas natikene juudi verd. Hitleri Aaria rassi ja rassipuhtuse teema oli egoistlik kattevari tegelikule vandenõule millega "väljavalitud rahvast" puhastada. Vale oli mastaapne ja paraleelid nii selgelt tõmmatavad, et kui keegi selle ka läbi nägi tol ajal, siis oleks sellise positsiooni avalikult võtmine tähendanud kiiret maha löömist.
Mis asi on "väljavalitud rahvas"? See on siniverteliste "teistest paremate" egoistidest värdjate ehk orjameelsete karjeristide poolt imetletava ( tuletatud sõnast imema ) eliidi sajanditepikkune geneetiline tõuaretusprogramm millega aretada välja "ülirassi" ( ülirass on iseenesest jäik värdjalik luul, sest rass on kõige tugevam siis, kui elab keskkonnaga harmoonias, mitte ei alluta ümbritsevat endale ). Juute kui väljavalitud rahvast tegelikult pole olemas, neil pole rahvusliku identiteeti ega kodumaad. Nende "töotatud maa" sai Iisraeliks Piibli jutustuse järgi läbi totaalse genotsiidi: Kaananimaa ( Iisraeli nimelise okupeeritud territooriumi tegelik maarahvaste keelne nimetus ) kõik inimesed, naised ja lapsed tapeti Jehoova ( egoistlik luul ) käsul, ainult prostituut kes reeturina linna väravad avas jäeti ellu ( siionistide olemus ongi enesemüümine ehk prostitutsioon ). "Väljavalitud rahvas" ongi tegelikult välja valitud silmapaistvatest isikutest kokku klopsitud, sest piisab sokutada kellegile andekale mõni ihar ja kaunis juudilits voodisse ja juba ongi järeltulija arvatud juudiks, sest juutidel käivat värk emaliini pidi, ehk kui su kauge esiema oli juut, siis pead sina kah juut olema, arva sa ise sellest mida tahad. See arvestusmeetod põhineb usul mitte reaalsel bioloogial, sest samamoodi võin ma öelda, et kuna su üliammune vanavanaema oli ahv või neeger, pead sina kah ahv või neeger olema ( selleks, et seda loomuliku olemusliku võrdsust mitte uskuda, ongi loodud müüt et keegi "kõrgem" jõud "lõi" inimese "kõrgema olendina" valmis kujul ), olgu sa nii valge, sinisilmne ja blond kui tahes. See arvestusmeetod loob kuvandi, nagu oleks juudiks olemine mingi eriline sugulisel teel leviv viirusnakkus ja juudiema mingi eriline geneetiline värdjas, kes erineb kõikide teiste rahvaste emadest. Minetea, kui meenutada kuidas Jeesus olla ilma viljastamata sündinud, siis ehk säärase sigimisprotsessi läbi on mingine geneetiline hälve võimalik, kuid kõik geneetilised hälbed peaks paranema, kui mutant seguneb ajapikku normaalsete goidega, ehk inimestega, seega on see erilisuse teema ainult usu küsimus. Nüüd tasub tõmmata saksa rahva "vägitegude" ja juudi lobi vahele läbi ajaloo kulgev paraleel: kristlus on olnud vahend millega juudid on sajandeid eurooplasi meelitanud Iisraeli eest "pühale maale" moslemeid mõrvama, ristisõdades sõdima. Kristlus on teeninud ainult võimurite ehk "väljavalitute" huve ja loonud juudist sajandeid võltsi püha rahva kuvandit kõigi maarahvaste hulgas üle kogu planeedi ( meilgi on siin suur reede Eestluse solvamiseks võimurite poolt kalendrisse vägistatud riigipüha ). Kristlus on kõigest tööriist globalistide käes mis visatakse kõrvale just siis, kui seda enam kasutada ei saa. Kristlus püütakse asendaa vägivaldse ja peale surutud usuga Holocausti, ufodesse ( Itaallanna korduvahistajatest UFO-de küüsis! TULNUKATE EMALAEVAD RÜNDAVAD NOVEMBRIS 2012? ) ja saientoloogiasse. Usu tekitamiseks ei ole välistatud geneetiliste värdjate loomine, et "tõestada" ( kinnitada pööbli usku ) ufode olemasolu meie planeedil ( teistel planeetidel nad kindlasti on, aga sääraseid vahemaid reisida pole laevadega võimalik ).
Kui võtta juuti rahvana, siis kõige juudivaenulikum liikumine mis olemas on, on siionism ja seda ütlevad kõik normaalsed mitte usuhulludest juudid. Muide juut oli esimene, kes keeldus teiste rahvaste jumalaid, ehk vaimseid püüdlusi sümboliseerivaid sümbolkujundeid austamast kui teiste rahvaste pool külas käidi, näidates sellega, et need jumalad on mõeldud nende Jehoova poolt hävitamisele, ehk milline on juudi rahva haige püüdlus: maailmavalitsemine. Paradoksina võtab usuhull juut jubeda solvanguna, kui Iisraeli riigivisiidile tulev riigitegelane kavalpead Theodor Herzli hauda külastada ei taha või seda pigilätakat murumütsikest pähe ei pane. Tegelikult pole puhast juudirahvast enam ammu olemas, sest nende rahvus on usk veresegamisse, tõuaretusse ülima selekteeritud egoistliku-sadistliku eliitrassi loomiseks mis peab kõigile teistele olema ülimaks koormaks ja nuhtluseks, kuni planeet inimkonna haigusest kas ühel või teisel moel terveks ravib ( ehk kas hävitab värdjad läbi püha sõja või muutub "väljavalitute" inimvaenulik värdjalik mõtlemisviis ja suhtumine nn. goidesse ). See aretustöö ja geneetika pidev arendamine tähendab kül mõnes mõttes head kohanemisvõimet, aga mis eesmärgil? Pole neil ju muud identiteeti kui nende tühine ego ( "mina olen" ehk Jehoova ) ja nende rahvus on kui teiste rahvuste veres ujuv ja sellest jõudu ja toitu saav parasiitlik piraadilaevuke
( Lendav hollandlane ) millel pole mingit kindlat kohta siin maailmas, sest nad ei ise kah tea kes nad on. Nad teavad ainult seda, et nad tahavad maailma valitseda ehk teiste turjal sõita ja selle nimel on nad valmis ükskõik mis kuju võtma, mis ongi nende identiteet, ujuv, katteta ehk juurteta ja usul põhinev nagu usa dollar. Vat nii muudab ahnus inimese egoistlikuks tühisust jumalana kummardavaks prostituut-"rahvaks". Ei taha teha liiga neile juutidele kes Palestiinas sajandeid islamiusulistega rahus suutnud elada ega pole lasknud end usuhullusel pimestada, seega pean kordama, et kriitika puudutab ainult siioniste. Need "müürlased", "illukaminaadid" ja muud organiseerunud, enda arust jube kavalad vandenõulased, väljavalitud kelles pole seda müstlilist juudi geeni, kes aga ikka püüdlikult lakuvad ülemisest loozist alla rippuvaid lodevaid kannikaid ja täidavad egotühisuse paisutamise ja hierarhiaredeli tõusu nimel truualamlikult ja orjameelselt kõiki ülalt tulevaid perversseid käske on tetragrammatoni püramiidskeemi masinliku lõksu kadunud vennikesed, rahvareeturid, multikultuuri inimkõnts kes sammub manalarada.
Nelinurkse alusega püramiid on tetragrammatoni sümbol. See on see juutide "püha mägi" kust Mooses "jumala käske" vahendas. Nelinurkne püramiid tähendab vertikaalset ( mõtteaspekt, meesaspekt ) kolmnurga jäikust/tugevust, aga horisontaalset nõrkust/lõtvust ehk naiseliku aspekti ( horisontaalilm naisaspekt on väe tasand ) moondamist nõrkuse jõuks ( pigista ruutu vastanduvatest nurkadest ja ta paindub algul rombiks ja lõpuks kriipsuks, see tähendab jaga ja valitse strateegia koodi ). See asetab tipus olija positsiooni, kust ta saab kõiki allpool olevaid kihte mudida, aga süsteemi ennast kangutada justkui ei saa. Värk on selles, et see süsteem, kui ta ei tunnista ülejäänud viite püramiidi enda kõrval hävitab end ise. Samas kui ta neid tunnistaks, siis kaoks püramiidskeemi egoistlik ennast sööv ja ennast pettev vägi, ehk Tetragrammatoni nõidus hajuks tõe valguses. Tõde on see, et aseta kuus sellist püramiidi tipuga kokku ja saad kuubi, kui sa aga asud kuubi keskmes, mis tähtsust siis on hierarhiatel? Hellraiser Trailer Cube Trailer Cube Transformers Silk Taiwan 2006 kah üks film milles kuubiku kujund filmis suurt rolli mängib.
Nüüd kujuta ette tetraeedrit, universumi primitiivseimat ja tugevamat ruumilist karkassi. Kui palju selliseid tetraeedreid asetada kokku tekib kera. Kui kuubikult nurgad maha lihvida tekib kah kera ja kera on absoluutses võrdsuses ehk kaaluta olekus pikas plaanis ainuvõimalik olemisvorm, sellised on planeedid ja päikesed. Kuubik pole hea ega halb, ta on kõigest õppetund. Tefillin, juudi kuubik,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.ZWU&fp=b5d6da67d3dbad0e&biw=1666&bih=891& Juudi kuubik, ( lehel edasi on palju muudki huvitavat )

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Nelj Märts 28, 2013 4:18 pm). Kokku muudetud 5 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Esm Veeb 13, 2012 1:01 pm    Teema: Eestivastaste zionatsistlike rünnakute linke, täienemisel Vasta viitega

1) Petitsioonid Anna hääl ACTA vastu ( ole tähelepanelik seal on mitu eksitavat samateemalist petitsiooni loodud, et jahjendada hääli ja muidu asja segasemaks ajada ) Anna hääl judeokristliku isikukultuse pealesurumise vastu koolides Veto Eesti ja Vene viisavabadusele kuni Tartu rahulepingu kehtimahakkamiseni!

2) ACTA Anonymous hoiatab ACTA eest STOP ACTA, Andrus Ansip, seemned, fooliummüts ja mullivann Heimar lenk sai monarhilt emotsionaalse vastuse ACTA vastased protestid Tallinnas ja Tartus - Aktuaalne Kaamera - Veebruar 11, 2012 ACTA vastane meeleavaldus täispikkuses Tallinn + 10 intervjuud - Against ACTA in Estonia Ojuland europarlamendi ees ACTA osas neutraalne aga nüüd: Ojuland: ACTA ei vääri toetust Ekspert: ACTA eesmärk on USA autoriõiguste seadustiku globaalne eksport Euroopa Komisjon suunas ACTA Euroopa Kohtusse Eesti maa kuulub 67 riigi esindajatele Mürgitatud majandus ehk meie otsetee orjusesse Vaesed söögu kartulikoori, rikkad loodusreostavad töösturid võivad kalale minna Acta pole meie huvides, Pawn Dutt vabadus süüdi ACTA kukutamises-E. kom. ACTA sai europarlamendis tagasilöögi 12. aprill 2012

2) Multikultuursus Barbara Lerner "European Jewish Fundist": They ( Europe ) are now going into a multi-cultural mode,and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. "European Jewish Fund" homepage: "the organization is opposed to Jewish assimilation." Teisisõnu multikulti on mittejuutidele, "jumalarahvale" jääb kultuuriõigus Barbara Lerner Spectre and jewish implementation of multiracial multiculturalism in the Europe ( see video muudkui kustub, kätte saab neid samu märksõnu kuugeldades ) Barbara Lerneri Spectre multikulturalismi kiitev teema kustub nüüd siioninatside leheltki. Euroopa Liidu debatt: Kas ja milliseid immigrante Eesti vajab? PETITSIOON: veti Eesti ja Vene viisavabadusele kuni Tartu rahulepingu kehtimahakkamiseni! Why Jews Push Gay Marriage ( sama toimub Eestis )
Charles Lindbergh Speaks on a United European Race

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Esm Apr 08, 2013 3:17 pm). Kokku muudetud 5 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Kolm Märts 28, 2012 2:50 pm    Teema: zionatsid/orjandusmeelsed vs. orjastamata maailm 1 Vasta viitega

Soovitan kuulata nõmme raadio 03.01.2011 lõunatundi ( just teine pool räägib hitleri ja siionistide seostest ) Iisraeli tähtsamatest rabidest: mittejuudid on sündinud juute orjama ( iisrali ajaleht jeruzalem post! ) Rothschild's Secret "Solution" to Greek "Problem" Rothschild (Bank Of England) Banking With Hitler Rothschilds Bloodline = Adolf Hitler ! And The Nazi Jews !... Defamation: The Movie (Complete - U.K. Blocked) Juutide tehtud film siionismist. Androgynous Future for "Goys" ?,11382,L-4136509,00.html Talkbacks State forced to change 'Jewish' classification Introduction: Christian Zionism Defined An open letter from Anonymous to the Government of Israel Anonymous attack on Israeli government & security services websites Israel & Iran: Double standards on nuclear weapons Israel threat to attack Iran is not a bluff, deputy FM says Obama is not a stooge but has become a prisoner of Zionist lobby: Alan Hart Obama toetas Palestiinale 1967. aasta piiride kehtestamist USA jätab UNESCO Palestiina tõttu rahata

2 Iran now top threat to U.S. says military official,7340,L-4146337,00.html Mis juhtub kui juudiokupanti välisreisil dokumentides õige nimega nimetatakse Kuidas Iraani kohta valetatakse üro tasemel ja täiesti avalikult The King's Torah: a rabbinic text or a call to terror?,7340,L-4159777,00.html Kuidas prantspersident Zarkusi austab goysid juudi orjadeks kutsuvat rabi ovadiat Obama Ambassador Under Fire For Blaming Israel For Muslim Anti-Semitism Iraan tõmbab rünnaku korral USA kõige tähtsama naftatee kinni. Iraani pimestab kosmose ja õhuruumis siioninatsistide luuresatelliite ja püüab sama tehnoloogiaga militaardroone. Iran Nearly Finished Decoding U.S. Drone, Tehran Claims Ron Pauli ( asjalikumaid USA presidendikanditaate ) kommentaarid Iraani tuumapommi kohta Kuidas siioninatsisdide sensor usas inimesi lollitab Tour d'horizon: Iranian optic on Mideast ( lääne topeltstandardid ja valed Iraani kohta ) Nähtamatu sõda- The War You Dont See, Inglise 2010 French parliament report accuses Israel of water 'apartheid' in West Bank

3 Zionist Terrorism in Norway ÜRO peasekretär kutsus lõpetama Iisraeli okupatsiooni JUDAISM AND ZIONISM ( rabi: sionism on vastu judaismile ) The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary) Proposal – Occupy WallStreet Not Palestine Jewish American newspaper suggests Israel assassinate Barack Obama USAs Oaklandis arreteeriti sadu Occupy liikumise aktiviste This is zionism: WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER Israel government, security services websites down in suspected cyber-attack Anonymous Vows Crusade Against Israel ‘Anonymous’ Hacks CIA Website Anonymous a Warning about going to war with Iran Anonymous Warning To The FBI AND U.S GOVERNMENT Occupy AIPAC

4 AIPAC to Obama: Attack Iran or let Israel do it ( juudi sõjaõhutajad kristlike orje õhutamas ) "False flag" eneseohvrirituaalid, petteoperatsioonid sõjaõigustuse saamiseks Iisraeli ilmsiks tulnud "false flag" operatsioonide ajalugu USS Cole "false flag" üks ajaloos tuntumaid juutide valerünnakuid USA vastu, millist võidakse Iraani ründamise õigustuseks taas kasutada USS Liberty false flag, ajaloos kõige kuulsam ilmsiks tulnud juutide valerünnak USA vastu Iisraeli Briti võltspassidega tehtud Palestiina poliitiku "false flag" mõrvamine paljastatud Iisraeli usa nimlel tehtud "false flag" operatsioonid Iraani teadlaste mõrvamisel paljastatud juutide Iraani vastased "false flagid" on juba lahti läinud: Indias ja Gruusias Iraani vastus India ja Gruusia "false flagile" Ametnik: Bangkoki plahvatuste sihtmärgiks olid Iisraeli diplomaadid Iraan mõistab hukka Bangoki terrorirünnaku ja süüdistab selles mossaadi Iraani ei kahjustaks sõbralikus India riigis enda positsiooni terrori läbi Mossad agents posed as CIA to recruit Jundallah terrorists Iraani saavutustest tuumavaldkonnas Lieberman: maailm ei suuda Iisraeli kaitsta

5 Iraan ähvardas naftakraanid ELi jaoks kinni keerata Ãœks hea tunniajane dokfilm Iraanist Iisrael: Iraan tahab taaselustada Pärsia impeeriumi Zionism's Historic Partnership with Anti-Semites Hennecke Kardel "Hitler, Iisraeli riigi rajaja" Aserbaid¾aan teatas Iraaniga seotud terrorivõrgustiku paljastamisest Iran Ready to Help Thailand Probe into Blasts, Israel is using the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) to demonize Iran. Iraani kõrgeim juht: me ei soovi tuumarelva. Me tahame murda ülemvõimu, mis tugineb tuumarelvadele. Ungari MIG hävitajad Iisraelis õppustel, võimalik false flag operatsion USA laevade vastu, kui need lennukid värvitakse Iraani MIG-ide värvi! Leht: USA pakkus Iisraelile Iraani ründamise edasilükkamise eest relvi Ron Paul: No Need to Attack Iran Ron Paul on Israel to Attack Iran Ron Paul CNN Arizona (THE DELEGATE HUNTER) USraeli siionimeedia on Ron Pauli ( sõjavastane usa presidendikanditaat ) kampaania täielikult maha vaikinud!!!!!!! Iraagi Sadri liikumine noomib üro peasekretäri sunniidi terroristide avaliku toetamise eest

6 Gadaffit rünnati, kuna ta tahtid dollar asemel kullastandardile üle minna India maksab Iraanile nafta eest KULLAS, mitte dollariprügis! History of Banking in Iran Islamipangandus keelab surmaähvardusel liigasuvõtmise ja tõrjub röövellikku siionipangandust: "Six out of ten top Islamic banks in the world are Iranian. Wiki" Iraan ei arvelda enam dollarites Ametnik: Iisrael ei kavatse USA-d Iraani ründamisest ette teavitada IISRAELI APHARTEIDI NÄDAL Hosni Mubarak kunagi rääkis: Iraani antisionistlik mõju levib nagu vähk Araabias "Me ei tohiks unustada, et see oli Norra kaitseliit, mis andis meile siionipupet Breiviki" Anonymuse häkkerid võtsid maha Vatikani veebikülje Communist Dissident Blasts Syrian Opposition Forces for Refusing Talks with Gov't False Flag ettevalmistamisel: «Top Gun» filmist tuntud lennukikandja läks viimasele missioonile Zionatsid plaanivad USS Enterprise ( Top Guni lennukikandja ) false flag operatsiooniga põhja lasta, et rünnata Iraani!! Deepak Chopra and Sir Ken Robinson: The Illusion of Attacking Iran The "End of Stoning": Islamic Republic of Iran Style ( sammuke paremuse poole, sunnidelt seda juba ei oota )

7 Egiptuse revolutsioon läks asjaette, Hitleri loodud Iisrael saab uue surve egpituse moslemivennaskonna näol. ( juudi natsiajaleht ) ( USraeli monarhilakeist ) Saudi Araabia relvastab Süüria mässulisi ja kohe peale seda uudist kaks järgmist: Süüria TV: plahvatustes hukkus vähemalt 27 inimest Damaskuse linnaosas puhkes äge tulevahetus Saudi-backed forces attack Bahraini protesters in Sitra ( huvitav, et Iraan ei tassi Bahreini mässajatele relvi, nagu Saudi judilakeid seda Süürias teevad!!! ) Mis seis bahreinis, USraeli lakeis, kus on USA-juudistani lennukikandjate baas, tegelt on ( vähemuse rõhuva enamuse terror ) Saudi siionighineline ilalõust saatis mullu sõdurid Bahreini, huvitav miks Iraan sama Süürias ei tee? Saudi's and Israel wants America to Bomb IRAN !!! israeli Mossad Chief Secretly visits Saudi Arabia. US officer 'hired' to help crackdown Bahrain protests Why Are People In Bahrain Demonstrating? Bahreini mendid tapmas relvastamata protestijaid Bahreini mendid tulistamas kaamerameest Iraani president Ahmadinejad kutsub uut ( õiglasemat ) maailmakorda looma RT: China Says Either WW3 or New World Order ( ka Hiina on asjadest õigesti aru saanud )

8 Iran:2012 Olympics Celebrates New World Order (on erinevaid variante uuel maailmakorral,"uus" võib olla ka unustatud vana,näit. "vana hea Inglismaa" orjalik keskaeg ) Süüria eitas Vene eriväelaste saabumist ( süüria anonüümne ametnik ) Hiina kaitseb Iraanis oma omandit sõjaliselt Kus on Iisraelis IAEA inspektorid ja "rahvusvahelised" sanktsioonid? ÃœRO asub uurima Iisraeli asunduste seaduslikkust Assad Ahmadinejadi telg ( süüria kodusõja teema ) Siionisaksamaa ( õige nimi ) orjab kahjumiga teha terrorivalitsusele Iisraelis tuumarelvakandmiseks allveelaevu Special Report: Intel Shows Iran Nuclear Threat Not Imminent Cnn jäi vahele uudiste võltsimisega Süüriast ( Soome keeles ) PROMINENT ISRAELI RABBI: “GENTILES NEED TO DIE” United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 ( zionism= rassism ) zionistidest lastemõrtsukate mõrvastatistikat läbi aastate võrrelduna palestiinlaste terroritegudega Iisrael ähvardab tsiviiltuumaprogrammi terrorismiga! AJUPESU:"Next Attack Will Be Much More Devastating Than Terror Attacks in India and Bangkok,Iran Warns (tegelt Iraan eitab terrorit) Iisrael katkestas kontaktid ÜRO inimõiguste nõukoguga 26.03.2012

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Teis Juun 19, 2012 1:57 pm). Kokku muudetud 15 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Reede Märts 30, 2012 2:47 pm    Teema: zionatsid/orjandusmeelsed vs. orjastamata maailm 2 Vasta viitega

9 Wesley Clark: Decision made to invade 7 countries after 911 Endine USA ametnik kutsus Washingtoni avalikult läbi viima Iraanivastast tuumaterrorirünnakut Rootsi kunn,"supreme leader" nagu Khamenei, demokraatia valvur (mitte poliitiline sibi nagu diktaatorid-türannid) peab Rootsi ja Iraani koostööd tähtsaks Aserbaid¾aan eitas Iisraeli lubamist oma õhubaasidesse Wikileaks: Bahreini ja siionistide terroriorganisatsiooni, Mossadi sidemed Saudi Arabia working with Mossad against Iran, WikiLeaks suggests Yemeni Politician Reveals Abdullah Saleh's Close Ties with Mossad Santorum Ad Ties Obama To Ahmadinejad? (Obamaville) Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood: Strange Bedfellows? Iisrael on salaja asundustele varastamiseks reserveerinud 10% okup. Läänekaldast Dzinnid, kelle abi maailma luureteenistused kasutavad wikipeedias Türgi telekanal: maailma luureteenistused kasutavad d¾innide abi 29.03.2012 Ahmadinejad Allies Arrested for Sorcery: Djinns & the Hidden Imam Is Ahmadinejad practicing black magic? Are his aides sorcerers? Do djinns haunt the ayatollahs? Aserbaidzaan nagu Bahrein ja saudid: siionilakeid

10 Kuveit tunnustas iraani rahvusvahelist õigust uraani rikastada Obama võis olla ennetavat rahupreemiat väärtki... Iisraeli Mossad plaanib edaspidigi terrorirünnakuid Iraani vastu Iraani usujuht: "The Islamic Republic will defend Syria because of its support for the resistance front against the Zionist regime (Israel)".,7340,L-3966257,00.html US cautions Egypt against doing business with Iran ( vähemalt seal läks Araabia kevad täkkesse!!! ) 'Land Day' clashes: Youngster killed, over 200 injured – reports (PHOTO, VIDEO) Bahrein tapab samade pisargaasimürskudega F-1-e vastu protestijaid kui Iisrael ( guugeldage kui huvitab ). WikiLeaks blows cover off Israel's covert Gulf states ties Iranian Defense Minister: 'Friends of Syria' are seeking Israel's friendship rather than being worried about terrorist operations and deaths in Syria. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki lashed out at Qatar and Saudi Arabia for arming Syrian rebels. Barbara Lerner "European Jewish Fundist": They ( Europe ) are now going into a multi-cultural mode,and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. "European Jewish Fund" homepage: "the organization is opposed to Jewish assimilation." Teisisõnu multikulti on mittejuutidele, "jumalarahvale" jääb kultuuriõigus Barbara Lerner Spectre and jewish implementation of multiracial multiculturalism in the Europe ( see video muudkui kustub, kätte saab neid samu märksõnu kuugeldades ) Barbara Lerneri Spectre multikulturalismi kiitev teema kustub nüüd siioninatside leheltki. Euroopa Liidu debatt: Kas ja milliseid immigrante Eesti vajab?

11 Syria: International Community and UNSC Should Take Necessary Measures to Prevent Funding Terrorist Acts against Syria Syria: Damascus - pro Assad rally intervjuu Assadiga Rahvusvaheline Kriminaalkohus ei uuri Hitleristlik-natsistliku Iisraeli sõjakuritegusid ja etnilist puhastust Palestiinas ja Gaza koonduslaagris. Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons "The war game, controversial view of the current crisis in the Middle East" The Observer, Sunday 21 September 2003 00.51 BST Israeli Prof - Israel 'Can TakeThe World Down With Us' ( juutide tuumaoht kogu maailmale ) Iraani ja jaapani ekspeaministri Yukio Hatoyama kohtumine: tuumaohutus tuumajaamades, USA desarmeerimine tuumarelvadest ja Hiroshima pommitamine Jaapani ekspeaminister Yukio Hatoyama sai Iraani-visiidi eest tõrelda 09.04.2012 Jaapani peaminister Yukio Hatoyama astus USA baasi pärast tagasi Palestiina maarahvaste maapäev Sionismivastased "Neturei Karta" rabid osalevad islamistidega koos Palestiina maapäeval Muslims open Sidon Synagogue for "Neturei Karta" anti Zionist Rabbis. Anti-Zionist Jews Re-Open Lebanese Synagogue ( sionistlikust ajalehest ) Neturei Karta ( Leedu sugemetega!! ) antisionistlikud ehk antifasistlikud rabid wikipeedias

12 Günter Grassi sionatsistide eest hoiatav luuletus: 'What Must Be Said' Iisrael kuulutas Günter Grassi persona non grata´ks Israeli Letter-poem to Günter Grass: If We Go, Everyone Goes Uudiseid Jeemeni protestidest mis aegajalt siiani käivad USraeli mõjuvõimu vastu riigis USA ründab droonidega Jeemeni Al Qaeda rahumeelseid protestijaid! Jeemeni läänemeelne eksdiktaator juhib ikka veel julgeolekujõude 2012-04-09 Jeemenis 64 al-Qaida demokraatiameelset protestijat hukkunud 10. aprill 2012 Süüria nõudmised Al Qaeda-le pahandavad lääneriike riike 09.04.2012 Palestiina taotleb Iisraeli asunduste hukkamõistmist ÜROs 10.04.2012 Günter Grass võrdles Iisraeli siseministrit Stasi juhiga 12.04.2012 DON’T VOTE FOR ZIONIST MOSSAD AGENT SULEIMAN April 8, 2012 "Tuhanded" Egiptuse "islamistid" avaldasid presidendiks kandideeriva endise luureülema vastu meelt ja: Iisraeli Haarezis:"but they were joined by those who belong to secular movements." Iraani meedia: Egyptians to hold million-man anti-junta demo 13 April 2012 Egiptuse valimiskomisjon diskvalifitseeris 10 presidendikandidaati (ka Suleimani)14. aprill 2012

13 kahepalgelised Saksa tule ja mõõgamisjonärid ( Saksamaad erutab miljonite koraanide väljajagamine ) Israeli army officer probed for striking activist in the face with gun ja kohe selle eelmise uudise peale Iisraeli fa¹istliku meedia report: Anarchists Collecting Intelligence for Terrorists Netanyahu Slams Officer who Hit Anarchist 16.04.2012 New video shows shamed IDF officer struck several left-wing activists April 20, 2012 Lennufirmad ei vii soovimatuid Palestiina-aktiviste Iisraeli 15.04.2012 Israeli official: 40% of names on Shin Bet fly-in blacklist were not activists Emiraatide koeralik käitumine sionistide ees ja haukumine Iraani suunal ( vaidlus saarte pärast ) 2012-04-16 Saudi Arabia has been funding and training Somali refugees to fight the Shiite Houthi movement in Yemen US Aircraft carriers are “sweet targets” says Iranian Commander US Aircraft carriers are “sweet targets” says Iranian Commander Netanyahu's Holocaust Speech Devoted to Iran Threat ( Iraan plaanivat uut holocausti!!! ) Iisraeli fa¹istmeedia: South African Bank Director Expresses Support for Nazis 4/20/2012 Op-Ed: North Korea's Enemy: Israel Iran sends 85-ton humanitarian aid convoy to North Korea ( algab programm "toit tuumavihmavarju vastu" )

14 Post-Revolution Egypt Seeking Strong Alliance with Iran ( sealhulgas sõjalist liitu! ) 2012-04-14 Thousands Protest in Cairo's Tahrir Square 4/21/2012 Mille järel: Egiptus peatas gaasitarned Iisraeli 23.04.2012 Saudi People Urge Freedom of Political Prisoners Israel's diminishing power ( Iisraeli-Iraani teemaline analüüs ) JStreet is Anti-Israel, Not Simply Extremist Leftwing Anti-Israelism in Finnish Politics ( no jälle need vasakpoolsed..:) April 21, 2012 Europe: Islam & Leftists Propagating Hate for the Jews in Guise of "Anti-Zionism" "demokraatlik" siionifa¹ism pani vasakpoolsed holocässipäeval koduaresti 26.04.12 Zionist Breivik: Certain People Look More Leftist Than Others fa¹istlik reziim püstitab "kommunistile" ( kogukondluse/kommunismi mõiste tegelik mustaja ) Stalinile Iisraeli mälestusmärgi Iran Says Is Building Copy of Captured US Drone Israel military chief: Iran not pursuing nuclear weapon April 25, 2012 IDF chief: Other countries are prepared for possible Iran strike 26.04.12 Op-Ed: The 100% Sharia-Compliant Iranian EMP Nuclear Weapon Op-Ed: The 100% Sharia-Compliant Iranian EMP Nuclear Weapon

15 Paul Krugman: ‘Israeli government policies are a form of national suicide’ 25.04.12 Lätis peatati Iisraeli survel saade, kus räägiti lätlasi küüditanud juutidest Saudi Forces Demolish 5 Villages to Build Separation Wall with Yemen Anti-Mubarak Officials Law Passed in Egypt 4/24/2012 The US should end all aid to Israel if it attacks Iran, former US Senator. Former CIA Director Calls on US to Pull Fleet out of Bahrain 2012-04-24 57 Days on Hunger Strike, Bahraini Political Prisoner Near Death; NY Groups Rally at Embassy to Demand His Release and Justice in Bahrain April 5, 2012 Appeal delayed in Bahrain hunger strike case Apr 23, 2012 Saudi Arabia must release detained human rights activist on hunger strike ( Amnesty International ) Israel Rejects Hunger Striker's Petition.Adnan went 66 days without food 4/25/2012 EL ootab Ukrainalt selgitust Tõmo¹enko näljastreigi kohta ( aga Bahrein, Iisrael, S-araabia? ) Beijing is planning to avoid U.S. financial sanctions on Iran by paying for oil with gold. NYT: Pentagon asutab uut luureagentuuri Iraani ja Hiina küsimustes Iranian President Slams Capitalism as Root Cause of Economic Meltdown 2012-04-28 Huvitav analüüs kuidas Iraani sisepoliitika mõjutab kogu araabiamaailma 22 April 2012

16 Ex-Mossad Chief Dagan: Conflict between Israel, Iran is the entire world's problem Envoy: Popular Uprisings in Region Followed by "Collapse of Zionism" Egypt Presidential Contender Calls for Regional Coalition among Iran, Egypt, Turkey Asi susiseb: Saudi (siioni-)Araabia kutsus tagasi suursaadiku Egiptuses Ron Paul Warns of False Flag in Town Hall Speech Former Shin Bet chief: Netanyahu not interested in peace talks Ovadia Yosef atones to Mubarak after declaring Palestinians should die, paraleele minevikust Obama Bypasses Congress, Frees Aid to PA U.S. issues sterner condemnation of Ovadia Yosef comments than Netanyahu British supermarket boycott of produce made in West Bank settlements Former Shin Bet chief head says rightists are much more violent. 28.04.12 Shin Bet chief's vote of no confidence is another blow to Netanyahu and Barak 28.04.12 Former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni leaves Knesset Has Israel’s leadership come down with mad-Jew disease? 30.04.12 Iran Slams Regional States for Arming Syrian Rebels Kairo meeleavaldusel hukkus viis inimest 02.05.2012

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Teis Mai 08, 2012 3:45 pm). Kokku muudetud 41 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Nelj Apr 19, 2012 3:20 pm    Teema: Multikulti+Breivik=zionistlik propaganda sõjaõhutamiseks Vasta viitega

Aaria rass ja väljavalitud rahvas: ENGLISH To an Indian brahmin; Israel-loving Breivik retaliates against own country Norra massimõrvar lasi oma nägu aariapärasemaks lõigata Breiviki lõppeesmärk oli saada Norra kuningaks nime all Sigurd Ristisõdija II

Breivik on zionistide tööriist, nn "shabat goy": Shabbos goy Breivik might have been a “Sabbath Goy” responding to the Norwegian Workers Youth League’s – to which all of his victims belonged – backing for the boycott Israel campaign. "Breivik sai aga lausa vihaseks, kui süüdistaja küsis, kas tema salajane templirüütlite ordu üldse olemas on." Iisraeli fa¹istlik meedia: "Did the "Palestinians" Kill Jesus?" Templirüütlite zionism: Teutonic Zionism the German Branch of the Knights Templars ( Hitleri zionismi selgitus ) Why Norway Terror Accused Breivik Says he Loves Israel. Breivik manifesto hails Zionist Jews Juudi fa¹istmeedia: Anti-Zionists Try to Blame Mossad for Norway Terror Jerusalem Post: 'Norway attack suspect had anti-Muslim, pro-Israel views' Norway Shooter, Anders Behring Breivik, Pro-Zionist Child Killer Western media hides Norwegian Terrorist Anders Breivik Zionist links to Israel (THIS VIDEO IS A PRESSTV BORADCAST & IS BANNED BY YOUTUBE ) Pioneer of global peace studies: link between Norway massacre and Mossad Breivik more Zionist than many Jews - Palestine erased from the map British Author Compares Netanyahu to Norwegian Mass Murderer 4/20/2012 THE DARK HISTORY OF THE TEMPLARS

Euroopa zionistlik juudikongress propageerib multikultuuri: Barbara Lerner "European Jewish Fundist": They ( Europe ) are now going into a multi-cultural mode,and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. "European Jewish Fund" homepage: "the organization is opposed to Jewish assimilation." Teisisõnu multikulti on mittejuutidele, "jumalarahvale" jääb kultuuriõigus Barbara Lerner Spectre and jewish implementation of multiracial multiculturalism in the Europe ( see video muudkui kustub, kätte saab neid samu märksõnu kuugeldades ) Barbara Lerneri Spectre multikulturalismi kiitev teema kustub nüüd siioninatside leheltki. European Jewish Congress Fears Israel-Iran Backlash

Islami vastane propagandakampaania ja selle tulemid: kõrbe röövsõjad+põgenikud+multikulti ja hirmutamistaktika=siionipoliitika ) Jewish Atzmon Says Merah Was a Mossad False Flag Agent Palestiina peaminister: lõpetage oma terrori reklaamimine Palestiina nimega Kaplinski: islami terrorism ja islamimaailmast on hukkamõistu vähe France begins Muslim deportations after shootings ( kui nii juutidega tehtaks, kohe oled antisemiit! ) Saksamaad erutab miljonite koraanide väljajagamine Merkeli liitlane: islam ei sobi Saksamaale Saksa judekristlikud "demokraadid" suukorvistavad sõnavabadust Europe discriminates against Muslims: Amnesty International

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Nelj Märts 28, 2013 1:10 pm). Kokku muudetud 4 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Teis Mai 08, 2012 3:44 pm    Teema: zionatsid/orjandusmeelsed vs. orjastamata maailm 3 Vasta viitega

17 Hezbollah Unustatud revolutsioon (Bahrain - Shouting in the Dark, USA 2011) Bahrain: Shouting in the Dark Letters from Iran ( Iraani ülestõusu käsitlev film, võrrelge seda selle Bahreini omaga!! ) IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today : Rick Steves Islamidzihaad võtab EU-s eeskuju, dzihaad kui näljastreikija sureb: Euroopa alustas külma dzihaadi juudirikkuri Tõmo¹enko näljastreigi pärast. Palestiina näljastreikijad surmasuus, aga euroopa ei alusta boikotti seevastu kui Tõmoshenko näpistab end vanglas, EU alustab jalgpalliboikotti Meeting Bahrain's hunger striker Abdulhadi al-Khawaja ( tema end vanglas ei näpista ) Damaskuses hukkus suitsiidirünnakus 11 inimest ( jälgige artikli stiili! ) Iraan, ainus tõsiseltvõetav jõud piirkonna narkovastases võitluses Zionist lobbies are seeking to shelter members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization Hollandi poisil ei lubata lugeda luuletust SS-is langenud onust Lätis peatati Iisraeli survel saade, kus räägiti juudi sõjakurjategijatest

18 Egyptian security forces announced that the S. Arabia, Qatar Bribing Egyptian Presidential Candidates Iran Raps France, Britain for Upgrading Atomic Arsenals Cyprus Denies Turkey's Accusations about Military Ties with Israel Venelased võtavad iisraelilt eeskuju ( nn. "ennetav kaitserünnak" ) Rochildid tahavad Iraani panku International Monetary Fund Refuses to Cut Iran Ties 5/2/2012 Why USA Must ATTACK IRAN Al Jazeera bombing memo Hinnanguid Bahreini opositsioonile 'Arab spring' is not spring but 'autumn': Dahi Losing Faith With Protesters in Bahrain Lawmaker Blames US, NATO for Increased Drug Production in Afghanistan Sunni Extremists Ravaging Syria Created by US in 2007 Defected Member Unveils Riyadh, Tel Aviv's Financial Support for Terrorist MKO Ron Paul fights to end military aid for Israel

19 Ar-Riyad soovitas Iraanil hoiduda sekkumast Saudi-Bahreini asjadesse New US battle strategy against Iran in US movements and Israeli drill ( ka siioniaraabia on teemas ) Why aren’t we up in arms about Jordan’s nuclear ‘threat’? US Warns Iran Not To Fight Back Against Israeli Attack US Officially Arming Extremists in Syria Israel, Iran, Jordan And Turkey In Joint Science Project Obama kirik on Iisraelivastane! Egiptlased panid mubararakiaegse kanditaadi kabineti põlema May 29, 2012 UN Dismisses Syrian Dissidents' Claims against Gov't on Houla Massacre 2012-05-30 Venemaa süüdistab Houla veresaunas Süüria mässajaid SAVE SYRIA ( PALJU ASJALIKE LINKE ) Egypt: Thousands Protest Against Mubarak-Era Candidate Top Commander Warns Europe about Al-Qaeda's Revival in Mediterranean 2012-06-11 Syrian rebels tried to get me killed, says Channel 4 correspondent 8 June 2012 WARNING: Possible NATO-FSA False Flag Attack in Syria Monday, June 11, 2012

20 Iranian Nazi Center memorializes Hitler's virtues June 4, 2012 Fars: Iraan kavandab tuumaallveelaeva 12. juuni 2012 Iisrael evakueerib raketirünnaku korral kogu Tel Avivi elanikkonna Iisrael: Süürial on maailmas kõige rohkem keemiarelvi Israel fears the alternative if Syria's Assad falls Israel fears Assad fall may bring al-Qaeda to Golan Süüria opositsioon ( al-qaeda ) lubab keemiarelva oma kontrolli alla võtta All Eyes On Damascus: NATO And SCO Set To Face Off In Syria June 14, 2012 The Real Reason to Intervene in Syria JUNE 4, 2012 Venemaale avaldatakse survet suhtumise muutmiseks Süüriasse Venemaa ja USA vahel tekkisid lahkhelid Süüria relvastamise küsimuses. Iisraeli sõjaväelane: Süüria pärast võib puhkeda uus külm sõda ( sionism vs. vabadus ),_2012 Syrian parliamentary election, 2012. Of 10.118 million people eligible to cast their votes, 5.186 million participated yielding a voter turnout of 51.26 percent Press TV: 'Election results prove Syrian people support government reforms' May 16, 2012 Iranian Envoy: Syrians' High Turnout in Elections Foils Enemies' Plots 2012-05-15

21 Saeed Jalili: West has problems with Iran's Islamic resistance, not with nuclear program 13 June 2012 US Congress pushes Obama for war with Iran Jun 15, 2012 Iisraeli luureminister: me oleme Iraani presidendi sõnu valesti tsiteerinud 15. juuni 2012 Egiptuse kohus kuulutas parlamendi ebaseaduslikuks 15. juuni 2012 Egiptuse kohus lubab ekspeaministril presidendiks kandideerida 14.06.2012 Islamistid kuulutasid end Egiptuse presidendivalimiste võitjaks Russia to send ships and marines to Syria June 18, 2012 The Bahraini Massacre Saudi kroonprints on surnud Thousands of Bahraini People Jubilant after Death of Saudi Crown Prince Saudi Arabia Celebrates Death Of Crown Prince Nayef Egypt presidential election fraud claims Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood supporters rejoice in election victory Romney: Obama fears Israeli attack on Iran more than Iran nukes Will Russian And Chinese Military Forces On Syrian Soil Prevent Obama From Bombing Syria?

22 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rojalism/siionism teel ( röövpangandus- ) karile, asjad eskaleeruvad kiiresti! Dutch Anti-Semite ( ashkenazid ei ole semiidid!!! ):"You Know, the Word Nazi Comes from Ashkenazi" 7/27/2012 Hitlerlike=zionistlike kuritegude uurimise keskus SUNNINEWS: Saudi Royal’s Prostitution Rings, Saudi Royal’s Child Sex Slave Trade, and Brief historical background of Saudi Royal family. ALSUNNA.ORG: Wahabies share beliefs with Jews Zionist rulers of Saudi Arabia ( Saudi rahvarõhujatest rojalistide/türannide juudisugu!!! ) SIIONISTID+SAUDI JA BAHREINI RAHVARÕHUJAD=FA¹ISTLIKU "UUE" ILMAKORRA EHITAJAD EHK ROJALISTID Iran's President Renews Call for New World Order ( siioni pangandus-orjus-rojalismi hävitav uus potensiaalne õiglussüsteem! ) JUDEO-FACIST Zionist bankers and ANGLO-FACIST ROYALIST-IMPERIALISTS a perpetual thorn in the side of the U.S., and humanity itself England's Jewish Aristocracy Ristigoyist/siionilakeist USA presidendikandidaat rääkis juutide kultuurilisest ülimuslikusest!!! Flipping The Script: The Western Media’s Syria Propaganda Is Falling Apart ( palju asjalike linke ) July 29, 2012 CNN Floats Idea Of US Assassinating Syria’s President Assad Exposing more CNN lies on Syria, Truth about Danny the Zionist CNNi madallend sunnib 30-aastase staa¾iga presidenti ametist lahkuma 7/29/2012 "väljavalitud" isased poisslaste tillivigastajad ja sellest haavast vereimejad jälle hoos ( aga rotveileri saba ei tohi ikkagi ära lõigata )

24 Süüria NATO mahitet terroristide kangelaslikust Terrorists in Syria Execute Pro-Government Families 2012-08-01 Syria Terrorists Hang Shiite Child after Killing Family Members ( asjad mida meie meedia ei kajasta! ) Media caught manipulating image Syria July 30, 2012 Syrian PM “Defection” Another PR Stunt Kony 2012-Style PR Stunt To Sell War On Syria Õigusteadlane: “Al-Assad kukub kindlasti!” US and its allies on Syria is sparking military conflicts with help of the Zionist regime of Israel. Iran Describes Democracy as Only Remedy for Syria's Crisis. võrdleme jeweuroopa ideedega: "ilma valimisteta Itaalia peaministriks saanud tehnokraat Mario Monti väljaütlemised rõhutavad, et Euroopa saab valida kas ühtsuse või demokraatia vahel" The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers ( Nagu ESM euroopas, kelle panka papp läheb??? ) Morsi "the rule of the military men prevents the establishment of a populist ( populism=demokraatia!!! ) system in the country" Collapse of Syria EQUALS rise of Israel IDF Army vs Hezbollah Netanyahu to Ban Ki-Moon: Don't Go to Iran ( siionist püüab juba ÜRO peasekretäri kamandada )

25 Why Not in Vegas? ( vabariiklaste presidendikanditaat käib Iisraelis raha välja pugemas- NY Times ) July 31, 2012 Mitt Romney juuteülistav rassistlik märkus pugemistripil Iisraelis IS MITT ROMNEY THE JEW'S CHOSEN PEOPLE? Juudi natsimeedia seakisa eelmisele artiklile NY timesis: "Uncle" Tom and the Protocols of Zion" Syria - Aleppo: mass-execution of POWs by the FSA - Graphic-must see! Defected Syrian Rebel Reveals Lies about Unrests in Syria Vabamõtleja: Assad-Ahmadinejadi telg 22 Märts 2012 Tapetud Iraani teadlaste pered kaebasid Iisraeli kohtusse 15.08.2012 Latest UN Syria Report Compiled by Washington Think-Tanker August 17, 2012 BBC Censors Video Showing Syrian Rebels Forcing Prisoner to Become Suicide Bomber Ron Paul Just Made The Last Speech Of His Political Career — Here’s What He Said EXPOSED: Egypt & Syria, Kidnappings & Death ( isegi juudinatsid tunnistavad "fsa" kuritegusid Süürias! ) Saudi Arabia imposes ban on all protests ( aga Süürias nõuab demokraatiat ja rahastab terroriste ) INTERVENTION IS NOW DRIVING SYRIA'S DESCENT INTO DARKNESS Siionatsistidest palestiina maavargad ja nende saavutus kaardil

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Kolm Sept 05, 2012 1:32 pm). Kokku muudetud 24 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Kolm Aug 01, 2012 2:27 pm    Teema: Sionistide=fa¹istide ja rojaalimperialistide suhtumine: Vasta viitega Av 6, 5772, 7/25/2012 Come'On! Build the Temple Already! Lugu sellest kuidas "väljavalitud" omale "isikustatud jumalalt" ( patriarhaatlik/monarhistlik manipulaatorpilvepapp, taevaiidol ehk LORD, millesse näiteks sionatsidega samas karkassis toimivasse olemusliku ebaõiglussüsteemi, "elu ongi ebaõiglane", ehk rojalismi uskuvad vennikesed näiteks wahhabistid, salafistid, Bohemian grove illukaminaadid ja muud taolised vandenõudesepistajad usuvad )
maadeanastamise fa¹istliku õiguse said ja seda egoistliku skiofreeniat praegugi arendada püüavad.

Enough Crying. Enough Mourning.
Reality will not let us go with tractors at this moment to prepare ground for the Third Temple. However, at the very least, we can all work on the spiritual level of building the Temple.
In the book of Joshuah, we read in the first chapter, that G-d is telling him & the Nation of Israel that He is giving us the land, and that we must now go in and TAKE it:

א וַיְהִי, אַחֲרֵי מוֹת מֹשֶׁה--עֶבֶד יְהוָה; וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל-יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּן-נוּן, מְשָׁרֵת מֹשֶׁה לֵאמֹר. 1 Now it came to pass after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, that the LORD spoke unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying:
ב מֹשֶׁה עַבְדִּי, מֵת; וְעַתָּה קוּם עֲבֹר אֶת-הַיַּרְדֵּן הַזֶּה, אַתָּה וְכָל-הָעָם הַזֶּה, אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי נֹתֵן לָהֶם לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל. 2 'Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.
ג כָּל-מָקוֹם, אֲשֶׁר תִּדְרֹךְ כַּף-רַגְלְכֶם בּוֹ--לָכֶם נְתַתִּיו: כַּאֲשֶׁר דִּבַּרְתִּי, אֶל-מֹשֶׁה. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, to you have I given it, as I spoke unto Moses.
It is not enough that G-d give us something. G-d may give us the Land of israel, but we must then TAKE it. if we had chosed to stay on the other side of the Jordan river, we never would have taken possession of the Land, even though G-d GAVE it to us. It's not enough to GIVE something. We must then in turn, TAKE it. G-d could give us the possibility to marry and have children, He could give us the possibility to make aliyah and move to Israel, etc... but when G-d gives, we must TAKE. It's hard to describe in a blog, but if I say to you, "Here, try some of my wonderfully delicious home made cookies!" It is not enough for me to hold the plate in front of you. You must physically reach out and take one of the delicious cookies. I can stand all day long holding the plate out towards you, but if you do not TAKE it, you will never get to enjoy the cookies I am giving you. The same with the Land of Israel. The same with the Holy Temple.

In 1967, G-d had us liberate the Temple Mount. He GAVE us the opportunity then and there to posses the Temple Mount and build the Temple. We did not TAKE it. So what do we do now, that the reality could spark a major war, if the Israeli government all of a sudden decided to physically build the Third temple? Well, we can AT LEAST build it on a spiritual level. One of the first things we need to do is to DESIRE it. YEARN for it. WANT it. Enough mourning. Le'ts tip the scales with ACTION. With more good deeds, more kindness, more charity giving and personal character-trait work. Let's talk to G-d each and every day, and tell him how much we want it. Let us be little children again when it comes to the excitement of wanting something so bad, that you use every opportunity to get close to it. Let us repair this national tragedy the Jewish People (and the World!) have suffered and are sorely missing in our lives. Watch this video which has gone viral. And then, let's take some -at least- spiritual action - and help build it, spiritual stone, by spiritual stone - until the rest of the people actually come together and agree it is time to physically re-build it! Egypt's President Insulted Over Video: 'The Children are Ready' Filistiinid, ehk palestiinlased, kohalik PÕLISRAHVAS: kreeka keelest: "phyle histia" ehk "tribe of the hearth" MAARAHVAS, "KINGDOM of Israel's most dangerous enemy". Palestiina ajalugu Truth about the Talmud: Racist, Rabbinic Hate Literature PA Libel: Israel Using Chemicals to Erode Al-Aqsa

President Harry Truman on organized Jewry:
"The Jews have no sense of proportion nor do they have any judgement on world affairs...The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as Displaced Persons as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog." -- Harry S. Truman 1947 Diary Hitler & Stalin illuminati twins ( mõlemad töötasid ühe eesmärgi nimel: globaalne siionistlik aristokraatia, vaimselt kõige haiglasem ja hukatuslikum ühiskonnakord ).

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Nelj Märts 28, 2013 1:14 pm). Kokku muudetud 1 kord
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PostitusPostitatud: Kolm Sept 05, 2012 12:32 pm    Teema: NAM summit ( "Mitteühinemise liikumine" ) Vasta viitega

Huvitav on see, et Eesti vikis ega kuskil ei räägita eriti riikide liikumisest, mis hõlmab kahte kolmandiku üro-st ja üle 55% demokraatlikut enamust kogu maailmas, mis kasvab ja mis suuresti vastustab USA diktaatorliku imperialismi ja hegemooniat ja püüdis seda ka nõukogude liidu samalaadse käitumise vastu. Non-Aligned Movement: "The countries of the Non-Aligned Movement represent nearly two-thirds of the United Nations's members and contain 55% of the world population." In a speech given during the Havana Declaration of 1979, Fidel Castro said the purpose of the organization is to ensure "the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries" in their "struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination, interference or hegemony as well as against great power and bloc politics" Iran Takes on UN at NAM Summit, Slams 'Current World Order' 8/27/2012 ( juudid juba vigisevad ) Leader Censures UN for Inaction against US, Israeli Mischief The NAM Summit, Iran, and Syria: A Coup against the West? August 25, 2012 Leader urges UN to help create nuclear-free Middle East UN Chief Asks for Help from Ayatollah Khamenei as Muslim World Leader 2012-09-04 UN Secretary General Heads to Tehran 2012-08-29 Jalili: NAM Can Promote Independent States' Standing in World The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) A Dead and Rotten Corpse ( sionatsid juba päris seakisa staadiumis ) August 28, 2012 netanyahu: NAM summit in Tehran is a disgrace to humanity ( nii räägib Iraani teadlasi mõrvata lasknud terrorist ) Israel enraged by Tehran NAM summit participation, success ÜRO peasekretär saabus Iraani "mitteühinemisliikumise foorumile" Iisrael hoiatab Iraani propagandalõksu eest 23. august 2012 EPL: Iraani inimesed: see valitsus ei mõtle meie peale 22. august 2012 Teheran tõuseb mitteühinenud riikide liidriks Jalili: NAM Can Promote Independent States' Standing in World Mis plaanis: Iran's NAM Presidency: What Now? 2012-09-05

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Nelj Sept 06, 2012 1:21 pm). Kokku muudetud 2 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Kolm Sept 05, 2012 1:33 pm    Teema: zionatsid/orjandusmeelsed vs. orjastamata maailm 4 Vasta viitega

26 “No Hazard in Circumcision Oral Exsanguinations” ükskõik kuidas(näit.klaastorust),aga sionatsist peab inimlapse verd imeda saama... 8/12/2012 Vandenõuteooriaid, "Ulmefilm", füüsikaseaduse ametlikes versioonides ei kehti! USA, Iisraeli rahalüpsimasin 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Full-length, Pre-Release-v1.3; Low-Res. 911 vastakaid fakte, vabamõtleja Iran's Top Security Official: Israel Nearing End Despite US Support Süüria mõistatused 21.juuni 2012 PLO Determined to Ask UN General Assembly for Recognition 9/5/2012 Why the Western media are angry at Tehran NAM summit Scrubbed The BBC Documentary That Exposed Israel’s Secret Illegal Nuclear Weapons BBC Censors Video Showing Syrian Rebels Forcing Prisoner to Become Suicide Bomber Israeli lies unchecked, Palestinian perspectives censored on BBC 24 August 2012 Kuidas USA ja siionistid salafiste, islamiusuhulle, isikustatud ebajumalakummardajaid rahastades islamimaailma mannutab! Report Unveils Defected Syrian General's Contacts with Mossad salafistid shiite tapmas: Iraagis hukkus erinevates rünnakutes 92 inimest

27 Jimmy Carter: Rachel Corrie Verdict: Israeli Court decision “Confirms a Climate of Impunity” French surgeon said that half of the rebels in Syria are from foreign countries, most of his patients in Syria were wounded militants and not civilians. Romney: ameeriklastele andis õigused jumal, mitte valitsus Romney rääkis Jeruusalemmas juutide kultuurilisest üleolekust MITT ROMNEY AS "HEIL MITTLER DAS FUHRER!" Sionistid tahavad Iraanis "ennetavat" tuumaholokausti, tsiviilelanike massimõrva korraldada (09,15, 2012), Iraan suudaks sellele vastata: Iisraeli kaitseminister: Iraan ei ehita tuumarelva, aga saavutab selle kiireltvalmistamise legaalse võimekuse nagu Jaapan! Nothing will remain’ of Israel if it attacks (Iraan võib taganeda tuumarelva levikut piiravast leppest) 09,15, 2012 The Academic War on the Jews ( haritlased üle maailma ühinevad siionirassismi, genotsiidide ja siionisõdade vastu!!! ) NATO's Weapon Cache for Terrorists Seized in Syria 2012-09-11 US, British Advisors Supervising Suppression of People in Bahrain 2012-09-11 USA galopp jälgimisühiskonna poole – avalikud kohad FBI valve alla! 11. september 2012 Kuidas juudid AIPAC-vabariiklastest USA presidente kamandavad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inteligentsest Neegrist demokraat/J-street presidendil on NATI rohkem selgroogu: US-Israeli Gap Widens on Iran aga siionikartellide meedia USA-s ajab oma sõdaõhutavat joru: US Media Distorts Iran Nuke Dispute

28 ( ärge unustage, et Iraanitüüpi islam on Hiinatüüpi rahvuskommunistide kõrval peamised võimsad jõud, mis suudavad siionirojalistide liigkasuvõtjapankurite orjandusliku multikultuurset "uut" maailmakorda läbi kukutada ) Iraani asepresident: Islamivastane film on mõeldud erinevate ideoloogiate vahelise vastasseisu tekitamiseks ( põhimõttel: jaga ja valitse ) Iraani revolutsioonikaardi kindral Jafari: islamit solvanud film ei õigusta USA suursaadiku tapmist Islamipangandus keelab liigkasu. In 2009 Iranian banks accounted for about 40 percent of total assets of the world's top 100 Islamic banks( Iraan on esirinnas). Celente: Criminal ( zionist ) Banksters Launching New World War Hannes Hanso: moslemite viha põhjused on ulatuslikumad kui lihtsalt üks film Ahmadinejad: topeltstandard,ajaloo( holokaustis )üle arutelu on karistatav, aga solvavad filmid moslemitevahelise konflikti õhutamiseks on lubatud? Leht: Venemaa kriminaliseerib usuveendumuste solvamise Knesset Member Meets Ahmadinejad in Brazil ( sionistide ja pärslaste kultuuriline erinevus tuleb loos välja! ) French Far-Right Leader Calls to Ban Kippah Prantsusmaa lubab juutidel ka edaspidi kanda traditsioonilist peakatet US gave Israel green light for Sabra, Shatila genocide Iran unveils Shahed 129 unmanned aerial vehicle US to Delist & Arm American-Killing Terror Cult MKO September 22, 2012 The Origins of Macedonia ‘I liked to shoot everything – women, kids… it was kind of sport’ ( kommentaarium näitab eri inimtüüpe! ) September 22, 2012

29 ÃœRO PEAASSAMBLEE 2012 Members of Veterans For Peace met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 2012-09-26 kuid siioni rahulobistid ( veteranideleht! ): Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag siioni mõrvarminister Nutabyahu on UN: 'Black Day' for those Who Didn't Walk Out ( kui Ahmadinejad kõnet pidas :) Ahmadinejad “has no place in the world,”says kibestunud Israeli Ambassador to the UN. He did not comment on the “World to Come.” 9/25/2012 "kuripaha" Ahmadinejadi mõtteid ÜRO kõnest: "I do not believe the Muslims, Christians, Jews.....are hostile to each other." Võrdleme USA demokraatia ja Iraani "kohutava diktatuuri" heategusid maailmale Iraani president ootab uut maailmakorda USA kiusust vabanemiseks Siin siis Ahmadinejadi viimane kõne Iraani presidendina ÜRO-s 2012 US Officials Stay Seated For Ahmadinejad's Speech, Israel Walks Out President Ahmadinejad FULL 2012 Interview With Piers Morgan Netanyahu: Red Line is when Iran Reaches 90% of Enriched Uranium ( sisaldab siioniministri judeoorjuses"uue ilmakorra" täiskõnet ÜRO-s ) 9/27/2012 Netanyahu "jutupliiats" ÜRO-s (kui 90% on "punane joon" siis miks senine seakisa ja sõjaõhutamine??? asi on ikka liiakaust judeopanganduse orjuse kokku kukkumises "läänes") Ilves ÜRO peaassambleel: hakkame vastutustundlikult käituma "Dollar Hegemony in the Empire of the Damned" ( Ilvese vastutustundlik majandussüsteemiideaal!!! ) The Iranian delegation in New York came under attack by members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in the presence of US police. 2012-09-27

30 Netanyahu ÜRO-s: Iraani tuumatöödele tuleb tõmmata "punane joon" Kaardiväeülem: Iisraeli sõda Iraani vastu on paratamatu 22.09.2012 Attack on Iran will bring destruction of Israel Iraan katsetas mitmeid rakette ja droone Mitt Romney wears Mormon's Magic Underpants ( mormooniusu uskumustest ja asjandustest ) Battle for Syria: View from the Frontline "If I Ran the Zoo" ehk kui juutnats juhiks loomaaeda (goysid) oleks Süüria jagatud (Vanga!), Mubarak ja Gadaffi pukis... Iisrael on pettunud Argentiina ja Iraani ühistes püüdlustes ( FALSE FLAG???- ) terrorirünnaku sooritajaid välja selgitada Argentina-Iran Cooperation Causes Deep Concern among Israelis 2012-09-29 Will Israel Launch a False Flag Against Iran to Start War? September 28, 2012 Cartoon Logic: What Netanyahu’s UN Speech And The Absurd 9/11 Myth Have In Common Sept 28, 2012 U.S. Unimpressed by Netanyahu Speech, Won't Set Red Lines 9/28/2012 Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi reminded that Tel Aviv crossed the redlines long ago when it made tens of nuclear warheads. Obama Free on Day He Refused Netanyahu Meeting ( ei taha tubli demokraadist neeger judeonatsistiga kohtuda!!! ) US Envoy To UN Skips Netanyahu Speech To Have Lunch ( saadikud natsistist jutupliiatsi soigumisest ei hooli:)

31 Leading News Agencies Comparing Netanyahu to Hitler? Netanyahu üros huvitava pildiga maailmarahu õhutamas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Netanyahu and Romney share ideology – and donors Ahmadinejad: Attribution of Zionism to Jewish Community Biggest Crime Romney: Obama Bad for Israel, and for U.S. Hirmuäratav video, kuidas Iraani president Ahmadinejad juute ahistab!!! Ahmadinejad: Zionists' biggest crime is that they attribute themselves to the Jewish community who are peace-seeking people. 2012-09-28 Anti-Terrorism Activist Blasts US for Instrumental Use of Terrorism Surreal: Clinton Pledges $45 Million in Aid to Al Qaeda in Syria Damascus Threatens to Arm Kurds with Missiles if Turkey Continues Meddling in Syria 2012-09-29 Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing “State Sponsored News” in Bahrain September 29, 2012 Araabia kevad tõi siionipanganduse mädanemise Sanctions on Iran Have Not Done Their Job, fall of President Bashar Al-Assad in Syria would deal a real blow to Iranian interests Juudid tahavad Iraani provotseerida ise sõda alustama!!!!! USA military now KNOWS Israel did 911- Dr Alan Sabrosky

32 THERE IS NO HYPERINFLATION IN IRAN ( kuidas Iraan kaitseb demokraatliku rahvaenamust, alamklassi kesklassi ja rikkurite arvelt! Ideaalne!) President Ahmadinejad ensures Iran's Victory in Economic War with West 2012-10-08 Venezuela’s Victory Over Wall Street October 08, 2012 Hugo Chavezi vastaskanditaat: isapool sefard, ema poolt ashkenazi juut, Wall Streeti finatseeritud tegelane JORDAANIAs hakkab kevad: Islamists versus Monarchy to Rally Friday in Amman 10/4/2012 Anonymous - #OpEstonia Madman Hitler In 1945: The Holocaust Is A Conspiracy Theory Ahmadinejad: World Security Order Should Protect All Nations New W. intelligence: Syrian rebels don’t have the numbers to win October 15, 2012 Hezbolla ja Hamaz leidsid uue üliefektiivse ja odava heidutusvahendi-miniatuursed GPS-pommidroonid Hans.H.Luik Massimõrvarid USA-s tõendusallikad või piinatud pelmeenid?15.10.12 Mossadiendine pealik sai Lukasenolt maksa, sest ei Ameerika ega Euroopa polnd nõus talle oppi tegema 10/16/2012 Syrian Terrorists Involved in Illegal Human Organ Trade 2012-10-16 Freedom of the Press: the West Suppresses Iran Media October 16, 2012 A Page Has been Turned: Western Retreat from Syria

33 Court Gives Haredim One Month Stay Against NYC Circumcision Informed Eesnahkmän ( koomiks ) 10 Weird Religious Practices Kapparot-juutide kanatapurituaal koos videoga Judaism: Deny Zion, Deny G-d? October 18, 2012 Juudi president Peres Calls on World to Push Iranians to Revolt 10/18/2012 Obama’s ‘Shovel-Ready’ Iranian Weapons Highway is Iraq ( Iraani kaitsevad ameerika hävitajad :) Ahmadinejad Underlines Asia's Decisive Role in Deciding Future World Order 2012-10-18 Obama Helped the Boycott of Israel October 22, 2012 US Think Tank: US, Israel Deeply Worried about Imminent Collapse of Jordan King 2012-10-20 Middle East expert predicts downfall of Abdullah II Regime 10/19/2012 MP: Iran's Scientific Growth 11 Times Faster than World Average 2012-10-20 Show of Support for Jews Targeted by Anarchists 10/19/2012 Salafistidest Saudi kuningapere plaanib hävitada kolm vanimat ja tähtsaimat mo¹eed, ning: Saudi rojalistid plaanivad teha Muhamedi naise elukoha avalikuks peldikuks
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PostitusPostitatud: Esm Okt 29, 2012 1:45 pm    Teema: ROJALISMI=DIKTAATORLUSE OLEMUS: FA©ISM, ÃœLBUS JA ÃœLEKOHUS Vasta viitega Salafi ,Saudi and Jews ; an unholy nexus

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Some people say that Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) has chosen Saudi Royal family to take care of the two Grand Mosques in Makka and Madina, therefore Salafism should not be treated as a political doctrine away from Islam.
Those who talk like this are unaware of the history of Islam. At the time of Advent of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) Ka’ba was under the occupation of Pagan Idol worshipers. As a matter of fact 360 Idols were kept around it which were worshiped by them. Similar is the situation now.
We all know, Salafis are Sky Idol God worshipers. They worship a Sky Idol who has eyes, face, hands and a huge human like physical body and who is sitting on the skies. To legitimize their Idol worship, they misinterpret Quranic verses and Ahadith. They have occupied Islamic heartland and the grand mosques of Makka and Madina in 1925 and are propagating their Salafi /Wahhabi theories in the world as Islamic teachings. Read more: 2012-10-27 Salafistidest Saudi kuningapere plaanib hävitada kolm vanimat ja tähtsaimat mo¹eed, ning: Saudi rojalistid plaanivad muuta Muhamedi naise elukoha avalikuks peldikuks 2012-10-27


It is an open secret in Washington that the State Department is extremely sensitive to criticism of its actions regarding Saudi Arabia and its Princes. It is alleged that there are issues related to Saudi Royals which are so embarrassing to Washington that these must be kept secret from public domain.
The sensitivities of the US State Department are confirmed by the following BBC obituary on the death of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia.
BBC OBITUARY – KING FAHD – “Monday, August 1, 2005 – King Fahd (1921-2005) ascended to Saudi Throne in 1982. He had a reputation as a playboy in his youth, with allegations of excessive womanizing, drinking and gambling. Londonis tõsteti lennukist välja purjuspäi märatsenud Bahreini prints
19. oktoober 2012 6. oktoober 2010 Saudi Araabia homoseksuaalist prints peksis Londonis teenri surnuks WikiLeaks: Saudi printsid pidutsevad viina ja lõbunaistega 09. detsember 2010 Saudi Araabia printsi süüdistatakse modelli vägistamises 15. september 2011


Saudi Royal family is famous for purchasing largest number of Child Sex Slaves in the world. Earlier, these slaves were procured from Africa and poor Asian countries. However, with the current inflow of oil wealth, Saudi Princes have extended their slave purchases all over the world. Oil wealth has enabled them to become more selective and specialized in Child Sex Slave purchases in the high end European and North American market.
The Middle East Times reported that “Saudi Princes dehumanize child sex slaves obtained through their sex rings by demeaning them and calling them whores so as not to come into conflict with Saudi religious tenets”.
Saudi Government claims their country is free from Slavery but are hesitant to allow international scrutiny of their claim. They continue to refuse to sign United Nations treaties on slavery and human rights abuses, probably because they do not want to be covered under these obligations. They have not signed any extradition treaty even with United States to protect members of Royal family being extradited out of Saudi Arabia for their alleged crimes.
The US State Department in their human rights report have justified Saud family’s (child sex) slavery by saying:
” It is part of the Saud family culture deeply embedded within the mores and filches of the society”. Read more... Report: Little Syrian Girls Sold to Saudi, Qatari Sheikhs ( rojalismi, aadlikultuuri kogu olemus: inimene on omand, müüdav ja kaubeldav, ning kasutatav... ) 2012-10-28

Kuna rojalism ja siionism, ehk natsism on olemuselt üks ja sama, ehk lihtsalt valelik türannia, diktaatorlus siis tooks veel paraleele: Former Mossad Head Dagan Gets New Liver in Belarus 10/16/2012 Lõiguke artiklist (arvestage, et see on siionimeedia ja nad loos pärast püüavad asja "pehmendada" ): "Lukashenko said that Belarus had agreed to do the operation, after hospitals in the U.S., Germany, and Sweden refused to allow Dagan into their countries. “No one wanted to conduct this operation on a former head of the Mossad,” Lukashenko said at the press conference." Dagan in Israel after Belarus Liver Transplant 10/27/2012 Syrian Terrorists Involved in Illegal Human Organ Trade 2012-10-16

Dagani kui mõrvatellija vägitegudest: Meir Dagan discusses the assassination of Hezbollah's Imad Mughniyah, who was killed in Damascus in 2008, while Dagan was head of Mossad. Australia expels Israeli diplomat over fake passports used in Dubai killing ( tapeti seaduslikult valitud Hamasi liige!!! ) New book claims Mossad assassination unit killed Iranian nuclear scientists Ei kõhkle sionatsist juutigi tapmast, Mossadi viimaseaja false flag terroriteod juutide vastu. The Ruthless World Of MOSSAD Meir Dagan pulls Zionazi rug Again!

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Nelj Märts 28, 2013 4:28 pm). Kokku muudetud 2 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Esm Okt 29, 2012 3:30 pm    Teema: zionatsid/orjandusmeelsed vs. orjastamata maailm 5 Vasta viitega

34 Chassidic Community Shocked: ‘Sabbath Gentile’ a Jew 10/19/2012
lõike varjatud artiklist ( proovige guugeldada sõna "shabbat gentile" või leida kasvõi sedasama artiklit googli läbi, täiesti võimatu tegevus :), seepärast panen igaksjuhuks artikli teksti siia ülesse:
The Seret-Vizhnitz Chassidic community in Haifa was shocked to discover this week that the man who for years had served as the local “Sabbath gentile” was in fact Jewish.
The Ladaat website, which revealed the story, reported that the man in question is of Romanian origin and himself believed that he and his entire family were Christian.
He worked for one of the Chassidic community’s institutions, and helped many people by performing activities prohibited to Jews on the Sabbath. A “Sabbath gentile” may assist in certain types of prohibited Sabbath labor.
Questions were first raised about the man’s background when he mentioned that his mother lit candles on Friday night. At the time, a local Vizhnitz man said, members of the community thought the family was showing knowledge of Jewish customs in order to prove eligibility for Israeli citizenship.
However, chassidim later heard the man singing Jewish songs. When asked what he was singing, he explained that those were songs he had heard as a child.
His employers sent him to a leading posek (Jewish legal scholar) in the city. After a brief investigation into the man’s background, the decision came back: the man is definitely Jewish.
A sign has been hung in the community’s main synagogue warning that the worker is Jewish and must not be asked to do any prohibited labor on the Sabbath. Shabbos goy SHABBAT GOY Mis juhtub, kui mittejuut, ehk "goy","gentile" peab sabatit?

35 Poll: Israelis Support Ethnic Cleansing, Annexation and Apartheid State October 25, 2012 juudid ei annaks palestiinlastele hääletusõigust TELEGRAPH ( peavoolumeedia ) Israelis favour discrimination against Arabs - poll 23 Oct 2012 UN expert: Boycott companies dealing with Israeli settlements until they meet rights standards ( iisraeli natsimeedia ) Outrage as UN Report Calls for Israel Boycott 10/26/2012 95% of 'Syrian rebels' not Syrians - report Saudi araabia rahastab rahvamudsahediinide mko terrorisateliitkanalit Saudi terroristid püüavad Süüria meediat vaigistada Samal ajal euroopa pännib Iraani satelliitkanaleid seadusevastaselt! US and Britain Praise MKO Terrorists Who Led Riots in Tehran on Ashura Day - English Iisraeli analüütik:Iisrael kardab Hezbollad, mis on tugevam kui 90%maailma riikide sõjavägedest Hezbollah Fights in Syria Against Rebels for Assad: terrorists: “We are squeezed.” Hezbollah Rockets, Meant for Jews, Now Killing Syrians Crowd control: Bahrain bans all public gatherings Oct 30, 2012 Hiina valmistub kullastandardiks, dollari kollaps siis garanteeritud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

36 Secret war with Iran heats up November 07, 2012 Judiciary Official: Iran Not to Attend Talks with US under Pressure ( aga ilma surveta? Äkki susiseski neil Obamaga midagi?, loodame.. ) Iran's supreme leader calls nuclear weapons use a 'big sin' August 30, 2012 Ahmadinejad: Proliferation of N. Weapons Clear Violation of Human Rights 2012-11-08 (Iraani meedia ) ja: Juudi natsimeedia samast asjast: Ahmadinejad: Having Nuclear Bombs is 'Retarded', Nov 09 Galerii: riigikogu konverentsikeskuses esines Iraani opositsiooniliider Maryam Rajavi GCC faces new Hezbollah terror threat 13.11.2012 ( huvitav mis KASU on Hezbollal rünnata Bahreinis turiste? )mille peale: ZIONIST BAHRAIN DICTATORSHIP SETTING UP FALSE FLAG BOMBINGS... Monday, November 5, 2012 Bahrainis hold funeral for killed teen, protest his death ( demonstrantide tulistamiseks sionirojalistide false flag pammitamised?)Nov 10, 2012 Hezbollah not involved in Bahrain bombings: Iranian Diplomat Sat Nov 10, 2012 Loser of 2012 US election: Zionist lobby Sat Nov 10, 2012 ( Hail Obama! Sig hail! ) Obama in First Post-Election Speech: Tax Must Rise for the Rich 11/9/2012 ( vat see on õige lähenemine! ) Iran Report: Obama Even More Flexible than Europe ( Obamaga ion maailmal veel lootust! ) 11/8/2012, The Israeli Nightmare November 10, 2012 ( juudid iseendi vastu sihilikult viha õhutamas, hukatuslik STRATEEGIA! ) China and Russia are Acquiring Gold, Dumping US Dollars ( headaega petrodollar! )

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Teis Nov 13, 2012 6:11 pm). Kokku muudetud 5 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Nelj Nov 08, 2012 5:13 pm    Teema: MÕNED LINGID USA VALIMISTE TEEMAL Vasta viitega 2012/11/04 KUI DEMOKRAATILK ON USA VALIMISSÃœSTEEM? vastus on siin: 08. november 2012 OSCE vaatlejaid ei lastud USA-s valimisjaoskondadesse MÕNI SÕNA USA VALIMISTEST Americans must resist rule of ultra rich parties: Analyst Natuke Obamast ja Iraani sõjast juutide natsimeedias Iran’s Desperate Absentee Vote for Obama ( iisraeli sionatsimeedia ) November 04, 2012 Video: Obama on Israel's 'Red Lines': Noise I Try to Ignore ( iisraeli sionatsimeedia ) Iranian Media: Romney Will Steal Election, Riots Expected ( sionatsimeedia ) 10/21/2012 US-Iran Secret Nuclear Deal tied to US Elections October 22, 2012 ( sionatsimeedia ) Talks with Iran Obama's Last Weapon in Presidential Campaign 2012-10-27 ( sama teema Iraani meedias ) Judiciary Official: Iran Not to Attend Talks with US under Pressure ( aga ilma surveta? Äkki susiseski neil Obamaga midagi? Loodame!!! ) 2012-10-20 US Presidential "Non-Election": Which Brand of "Fascism" This Time? 2012-10-20 ning: Money Party Wins US Election November 07, 2012 Ohio: The E-voting Lawsuit that could Decide the Election ( E-valimised, nagu ikka... )

Obama vs. Romney, ¹amaanid, nõiad, juudimaagid ja astroloogid: Astroloogid: Romnyl on eelis, aga valimispäeval on Obamal piisavalt võimalusi võita June 2, 2012 Juudi maagid nõiuvad Romney poolt: Kabbalists in Jerusalem are doing their part to help Mitt Romney pull through and win the presidency. ©amaanid peruus nõiuvad Obamale võitu ( video )!!! Peruvian shamans predicted Obama will win election November 5, 2012 ( Iraangi toetab ©amaane:) Obama esivanemate Keenia koduküla nõid ennustab kontidelt Obama võitu ( video ) Romni meeskond süüdistab orkaan Sandy-s Obamat ja tema aafrika koduküla woodood Alex Jones "vanglaplaneedi" lehelt süüdistab orkaanis Obamat ja HAARP-i Süüria toetajad: orkaan Sandy vallandas kangelaslik Iraan Võitja on selgunud!

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Nelj Märts 28, 2013 4:27 pm). Kokku muudetud 3 korda
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PostitusPostitatud: Teis Nov 13, 2012 6:28 pm    Teema: Bashar al Assadi intervjuu Vasta viitega Bashar al-Assad kavatseb surra Süürias 08. november 2012 Assad: 'I Will Live and Die in Syria', Cost of Intervention 'Bigger than the World Can Bear' 11/8/2012 ‘I am tougher than Gaddafi’: Bashar al-Assad Nov 8, 2012 Bashar al-Assad vows to 'live or die' in Syria Thursday 8 November 2012

Originaalintervjuu täies pikkuses: Bashar Al Assad Interview: ‘Syria faces not a Civil War, but Terrorism by Proxies’

Assad: Erdogan thinks he’s Caliph, new sultan of the Ottoman.
In an exclusive interview with RT, President Bashar Assad said that the conflict in Syria is not a civil war, but proxy terrorism by Syrians and foreign fighters. He also accused the Turkish PM of eyeing Syria with imperial ambitions.
Assad told RT that the West creates scapegoats as enemies – from communism, to Islam, to Saddam Hussein. He accused Western countries of aiming to turn him into their next enemy.
While mainstream media outlets generally report on the crisis as a battle between Assad and Syrian opposition groups, the president claims that his country has been infiltrated by numerous terrorist proxy groups fighting on behalf of other powers.
In the event of a foreign invasion of Syria, Assad warned, the fallout would be too dire for the world to bear.
‘My enemy is terrorism and instability in Syria’
RT: President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, thank very much for talking to us today.
Bashar Assad: You are most welcome in Damascus.
RT: There are many people who were convinced a year ago that you would not make it this far. Here again you are sitting in a newly renovated presidential palace and recording this interview. Who exactly is your enemy at this point?
BA: My enemy is terrorism and instability in Syria. This is our enemy in Syria. It is not about the people, it is not about persons. The whole issue is not about me staying or leaving. It is about the country being safe or not. So, this is the enemy we have been fighting as Syria.
RT: I have been here for the last two days and I had the chance to talk to a couple of people in Damascus. Some of them say that whether you stay or go at this point does not really matter anymore. What do you say about this?
BA: I think for the president to stay or leave is a popular issue. It is related to the opinion of some people and the only way can be done through the ballot boxes. So, it is not about what we hear. It is about what we can get through that box and that box will tell any president to stay or leave very simply.
RT: I think what they meant was that at this point you are not the target anymore; Syria is the target.
BA: I was not the target; I was not the problem anyway. The West creates enemies; in the past it was the communism then it became Islam, and then it became Saddam Hussein for a different reason. Now, they want to create a new enemy represented by Bashar. That’s why they say that the problem is the president so he has to leave. That is why we have to focus of the real problem, not to waste our time listening to what they say.
­‘The fight now is not the president’s fight – it is Syrians’ fight to defend their country’
RT: Do you personally still believe that you are the only man who can hold Syria together and the only man who can put an end to what the world calls a ‘civil war’?
BA: We have to look at it from two aspects. The first aspect is the constitution and I have my authority under the constitution. According to this authority and the constitution, I have to be able to solve the problem. But if we mean it that you do not have any other Syrian who can be a president, no, any Syrian could be a president. We have many Syrians who are eligible to be in that position. You cannot always link the whole country only to one person.
RT: But you are fighting for your country. Do you believe that you are the man who can put an end to the conflict and restore peace?
BA: I have to be the man who can do that and I hope so, but it is not about the power of the President; it is about the whole society. We have to be precise about this. The president cannot do anything without the institutions and without the support of the people. So, the fight now is not a President’s fight; it is Syrians’ fight. Every Syrian is involved in defending his country now.
RT: It is and a lot of civilians are dying as well in the fighting. So, if you were to win this war, how would you reconcile with your people after everything that has happened?
BA: Let’s be precise once again. The problem is not between me and the people; I do not have a problem with the people because the United States is against me and the West is against me and many other Arab countries, including Turkey which is not Arab of course, are against me. If the Syrian people are against me, how can I be here?!
­RT: They are not against you?
BA: If the whole world, or let us say a big part of the world, including your people, are against you, are you a superman?! You are just a human being. So, this is not logical. It is not about reconciling with the people and it is not about reconciliation between the Syrians and the Syrians; we do not have a civil war. It is about terrorism and the support coming from abroad to terrorists to destabilize Syria. This is our war.
RT: Do you still not believe it is a civil war because I know there are a lot who think that there are terrorist acts which everyone believes take place in Syria, and there are also a lot of sectarian-based conflicts. For example we all heard about the mother who has two sons; one son is fighting for the government forces and the other son is fighting for the rebel forces, how this is not a civil war?
BA: You have divisions, but division does not mean civil war. It is completely different. Civil wars should be based on ethnic problems or sectarian problems. Sometimes you may have ethnic or sectarian tensions but this do not make them problem. So, if you have division in the same family or in a bigger tribe or whatever or in the same city, it does not mean a civil war. This is completely different and that is normal. We should expect that.
RT: When I asked about reconciling with your people, this is what I meant: I heard you say on many different occasions that the only thing you care about is what the Syrian people think of you and what Syrian people feel towards you and whether you should be a president or not. Are you not afraid that there has been so much damage done for whatever reason that at the end of the day Syrians won’t care about the truth; they will just blame you for the carnage that they have suffered?
BA: This is a hypothetical question because what the people think is the right thing, and regarding what they think, we have to ask them. But I don’t have this information right now. So, I am not afraid about what some people think; I am afraid about my country. We have to be focused on that.
RT: For years there have been so many stories about almighty Syrian army, important and strong Syrian secret services, but then we see that, you know, the government forces are not able to crush the enemy like people expected it would, and we see terrorist attacks take place in the middle of Damascus almost every day. Were those myths about the Syrian army and about the strong Syrian secret services?
BA: Usually, in normal circumstances when you have the army and the secret services and the intelligence, we focus on the external enemy even if we have an internal enemy, like terrorism because the society is helping us at least not to provide terrorist’s incubator. Now in this case, it is a new kind of war; terrorism through proxies, either Syrians living in Syria or foreign fighters coming from abroad. So, it is a new style of war, this is first and you have to adapt to this style and it takes time, it is not easy. And to say this is as easy as the normal or, let us say, the traditional or regular war, no, it is much more difficult. Second, the support that has been offered to those terrorists in every aspect, including armaments, money and political aspect is unprecedented. So, you have to expect that it is going to be a tough war and a difficult war. You do not expect a small country like Syria to defeat all those countries that have been fighting us through proxies just in days or weeks.
RT: Yes, but when you look at it, I mean on one hand, you have one leader with an army, and he orders this army go straight, go left, go right and the army obeys. On the other hand, you have fractions of terrorists who are not unified and have no one unified strategy to fight you. So, how does that really happen when it comes to fighting each other?
BA: This is not the problem. The problem is that those terrorists are fighting from within the cities, and in the cities you have civilians. When you fight this kind of terrorists, you have to be aware that you should do the minimum damage to the infrastructure and minimum damage to the civilians because you have civilians and you have to fight, you cannot leave terrorists just killing and destroying. So, this is the difficulty in this kind of war.
Bashar Assad speaking with RT′s Sophie Shevardnadze
Bashar Assad speaking with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze­

Without foreign rebel fighters and smuggled weapons, ‘we could finish everything in weeks’
RT: You know that the infrastructure and economy are suffering; it is almost as if Syria is going to be fall into decay very soon and the time is against you. In your opinion, how much time do you need to crush the enemy?
BA: You cannot answer this question because no one claimed that he had the answer about when to end the war unless when we have the answer to when they are going to stop smuggling foreign fighters from different parts of the world especially the Middle East and the Islamic world, and when they are going to stop sending armaments to those terrorists. If they stop, this is when I can answer you; I can tell that in weeks we can finish everything. This is not a big problem. But as long as you have continuous supply in terrorists, armaments, logistics and everything else, it is going to be a long-term war.
RT: Also, when you think about it, you have 4,000 km of loosely controlled borders, so you have your enemy that can at any time cross over into Jordan or Turkey to be rearmed, get medical care and come back to fight you!
BA: No country in the world can seal the border. Sometime they use this word which is not correct, even the United Stated cannot seal its border with Mexico for example. The same can be applied to Russia which is a big country. So, no country can seal the border. You can only have a better situation on the border when you have good relations with your neighbor and this is something we do not have at least with Turkey now. Turkey supports more than any other country the smuggling of terrorists and armaments.
Bashar Assad speaking with RT′s Sophie Shevardnadze
Bashar Assad speaking with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze

‘The Syrian Army has no orders to shell Turkish land’
­RT: Can I say to you something? I have been in Turkey recently and people there are actually very worried that a war will happen between Syria and Turkey. Do you think a war with Turkey is a realistic scenario?
BA: Rationally, no I do not think so – for two reasons. The war needs public support and the majority of the Turkish people do not need this war. So, I do not think any rational official would think of going against the will of the public in his country and the same for the Syrian people. So, the conflict or difference is not between the Turkish people and the Syrian people; it is about the government and officials, it is between our officials and their officials because of their politics. So, I do not see any war between Syria and Turkey on the horizon.
RT: When was the last time you spoke to Erdogan and how did the talk end?
BA: May 2011, after he won the election.
RT: So, you just congratulated him, and it was the last time
BA: Yes and it was the last time.
RT: Who is shelling Turkey? Is it the government forces or the rebels?
BA: In order to find the answer, you need a joint committee between the two armies in order to know who shells who because on the borders you have a lot of terrorists who have mortars; so, they can do the same. You have to go and investigate the bomb in that place itself and that did not happen. We asked the Turkish government to have this committee but they refused; so, you cannot have the answer. But when you have these terrorists on your borders, you do not exclude them from doing so because the Syrian army does not have any order to shell the Turkish land because we do not find any interest in this, and we do not have any enmity with the Turkish people. We consider them as brothers, so why do it; unless that happened by mistake, then it needs investigation.
RT: Do you accept that it may be mistakenly from the government forces?
BA: That could happen. This is a possibility and in every war you have mistakes. You know in Afghanistan, they always talk about friendly fire if you kill your soldier; this means that it could happen in every war, but we cannot say yes.
Bashar Assad speaking with RT′s Sophie Shevardnadze
Bashar Assad speaking with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze

‘Erdogan thinks he is a Caliph’
­RT: Why has Turkey, which you call a friendly nation, become a foothold for the opposition?
BA: Not Turkey, but only Erdogan’s government in order to be precise. Turkish people need good relations with the Syrian people. Erdogan thinks that if Muslim Brotherhood takes over in the region and especially in Syria, he can guarantee his political future, this is one reason. The other reason, he personally thinks that he is the new sultan of the Ottoman and he can control the region as it was during the Ottoman Empire under a new umbrella. In his heart he thinks he is a caliph. These are the main two reasons for him to shift his policy from zero problems to zero friends.
RT: But it is not just the West that opposes you at this point; there are so many enemies in the Arab world and that is to say like two years ago when someone heard you name in the Arab world they would straighten their ties, and now in the first occasion they betrayed you, why do you have so many enemies in the Arab world?
BA: They are not enemies. The majority of Arab governments support Syria in their heart but they do not dare to say that explicitly.
RT: Why not?
BA: Under pressure by the West, and sometimes under pressure of the petrodollars in the Arab world.
RT: Who supports you from the Arab world?
BA: Many countries support Syria by their hearts but they do not dare to say that explicitly. First of all, Iraq which played a very active role in supporting Syria during the crisis because it is a neighboring country and they understand and recognize that if you have a war inside Syria you will have war in the neighboring countries including Iraq. I think there are other countries which have good position like Algeria, and Oman mainly and there are other countries I would not count all of them now but I would say they have positive position without taking actions.
RT: Saudi Arabia and Qatar, why are they so adamant about you resigning and how would an unstable Middle East fit their agenda?
BA: Let’s be frank, I cannot answer on their behalf. They have to answer this question but I could say that the problem between Syria and many countries whether in the Arab world or in the region or in the West, is that we kept saying no when we think that we have to say no, that is the problem. And some countries believe that they can control Syria through orders, through money or petrodollars and this is impossible in Syria, this is the problem. May be they want to play a role. We do not have a problem, they can play a role whether they deserve this or not, they can play a role but not to play a role at the expense of our interests.
RT: Is it about controlling Syria or about exporting their vision of Islam to Syria?
BA: You cannot put it as a government policy sometimes. Sometimes you have institutions in certain country, sometime you have persons who try to promote this but they do not announce it as an official policy. So, they did not ask us to promote their, let’s say, extremist attitude of their institutions but that happened in reality whether through indirect support of their government or through the foundation from institutions and personnel. So, this is part of the problem, but when I want to talk as a government, I have to talk about the announced policy. The announced policy is like any other policy; it is about the interest, it is about playing a role, but we cannot ignore what you mentioned.
RT: Iran which is a very close ally also is exposed to economic sanctions, also facing a threat of military invasion. If you were faced with an option to cut ties with Iran in exchange for peace in your country, would you go for it?
BA: We do not have contradicting options in this regard because we had good relations with Iran since 1979 till today, and it is getting better every day, but at the same time we are moving towards peace. We had peace process and we had peace negotiations. Iran was not a factor against peace. So, this is misinformation they try to promote in the West that if we need peace, we do not have to have good relation with Iran. There is no relation; it is two completely different subjects. Iran supported Syria, supported our cause, the cause of the occupied land and we have to support them in their cause. This is very simple. Iran is a very important country in the region. If we are looking for stability, we need good relations with Iran. You cannot talk about stability while you have bad relations with Iran, Turkey and your neighbors and so on. This is it.
Bashar Assad speaking with RT′s Sophie Shevardnadze
Bashar Assad speaking with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze

‘Al-Qaeda’s final aim is an Islamic emirate in Syria’
­RT: Do you have any information that the Western intelligence is financing rebel fighters here in Syria?
BA: No, so far what we know is that they are offering the know-how support for the terrorists through Turkey and sometimes through Lebanon mainly. But there is other intelligence, not the Western, but the regional intelligence which is very active and more active than the Western one under the supervision of the Western intelligence.
RT: What is the role of Al-Qaeda in Syria at this point? Are they controlling any of the rebel coalition forces?
BA: No, I do not think they are looking to control; they are looking to create their own kingdoms or emirates in their language, but they mainly try now to scare the people through explosions, assassinations, suicide bombers and things like this to push the people towards desperation and to accept them as reality. So, they go step by step but their final aim is to have this, let’s say, Islamic Emirate in Syria where they can promote their own ideology in the rest of the world.
RT: From those who are fighting you and those who are against you, who would you talk to?
BA: We talk to anyone who has genuine will to help Syria, but we do not waste our time with anyone who wants to use our crisis for his own personal interests.
RT: There has been many times…not you but the government forces have been accused for many times of war crimes against your own civilians, do you accept that the government forces have committed war crimes against their own civilians?
BA: We are fighting terrorism. We are implementing our constitution by protecting the Syrian people. Let’s go back to what happened in Russia more than a decade ago when you faced terrorism in Chechnya and other places; they attacked people in theaters and schools and so on, and the army in Russia protected the people, would you call it war crimes?! No, you would not. Two days ago, Amnesty International recognized the crimes that were committed few days ago by the armed groups when they captured soldiers and executed them. Also Human Rights Watch recognized this. Human Rights Watch recognized more than once the crimes of those terrorist groups and few days ago it described these crimes as war crimes, this is the first point. The second point, if you have an army that committed a crime against its own people, this is devoid of logic because the Syrian Army is made up of Syrian people. If you want to commit a crime against your people, then the army will divide, will disintegrate. So, you cannot have a strong army while you are killing your people. Third, the army cannot withstand for twenty months in these difficult circumstances without having the embrace of the public in Syria. So, how could you have this embracement while you are killing your people?! This is a contradiction. So, this is the answer.
Bashar Assad speaking with RT′s Sophie Shevardnadze
Bashar Assad speaking with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze

‘I must live in Syria and die in Syria’
­RT: When was the last time you spoke to a Western leader?
BA: It was before the crisis.
RT: Was there any time at which they try to give you conditions that if you left the post of presidency then there will be peace in Syria or no?
BA: No, they did not propose it directly, no, but whether they propose that directly or indirectly, it is a matter of sovereignty; only the Syrian people will talk about this. Whoever talks about this in the media or in a statement directly or indirectly has no meaning and has no weight in Syria.
RT: Do you even have a choice because from what it seems from the outside that would not have anywhere to go. Where would you go if you want to leave?
BA: To Syria. I would go from Syria to Syria. This is the only place where we can live. I am not a puppet. I was not made by the West to go to the West or to any other country. I am Syrian, I was made in Syria, I have to live in Syria and die in Syria.­
‘I believe in democracy and dialogue – but we must be realistic’
­RT: Do you think that at this point there is any chance for diplomacy or talks or only the army can get it done?
BA: I always believe in diplomacy and I always believe in dialogue even with those who do not understand or believe in it. We have to keep trying. I think that we will always achieve a partial success. We have to look for this partial success before we achieve the complete success. But we have to be realistic. You do not think that only dialogue can make you achieve something because those people who committed these acts they are of two kinds: one of them does not believe in dialogue, especially the extremists, and you have the outlaws who have been convicted by the court years ago before the crisis and their natural enemy is the government because they are going to be detained if we have a normal situation in Syria. The other part of them is the people who have been supplied by the outside, and they can only be committed to the governments which paid them the money and supplied them with the armament; they do not have a choice because they do not own their own decision. So, you have to be realistic. And you have the third part of the people whether militants or politicians who can accept the dialogue. That’s why we have been in this dialogue for months now even with militants and many of them gave up their armaments and they went back to their normal life.
Bashar Assad speaking with RT′s Sophie Shevardnadze
Bashar Assad speaking with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze

‘The price of a foreign invasion will be more than the world can afford’
­RT: Do you think a foreign invasion is imminent?
BA: I think the price of this invasion if it happened is going to be more than the whole world can afford because if you have a problem in Syria, and we are the last stronghold of secularism and stability in the region and coexistence, let’s say, it will have a domino effect that will affect the world from the Atlantic to the Pacific and you know the implication on the rest of the world. I do not think the West is going in that direction, but if they do so, nobody can tell what is next.
RT: Mr. President, do you blame yourself for anything?
BA: Normally you have to find mistakes you do with every decision, otherwise you are not human.
RT: What is your biggest mistake?
BA: I do not remember now to be frank. But I always, even before taking the decision, consider that part of it will be wrong but you cannot tell about your mistakes now. Sometimes, especially during crisis, you do not see what is right and what is wrong until you overcome the situation that you are in. I would not be objective to talk about mistakes now because we still in the middle of the crisis.
RT: So, you do not have regrets yet?
BA: Not now. When everything is clear, you can talk about your mistakes, and definitely you have mistakes and that is normal.
RT: If today was March 15, 2011, that is when the protest started to escalate and grow, what would you do differently?
BA: I would do what I did on March 15.
RT: Exactly the same?
BA: Exactly the same: ask different parties to have dialogue and stand against terrorists because that is how it started. It did not start as marches; the umbrella or cover was the marches, but within those marches you had militants who started shooting civilians and the army at the same time. May be on the tactical level, you could have done something different but as a president you are not tactical, you always take the decision on a strategic level which is something different.
RT: President al-Assad, how do you see yourself in ten-years’ time?
BA: I see myself through my country; I cannot see myself but my country in ten-years’ time. This is where I can see myself.
RT: Do you see yourself in Syria?
BA: Definitely, I have to be in Syria. It is not about the position. I do not see myself whether a president or not. This is not my interest. I can see myself in this country as safe country, stable country and more prosperous country.
RT: President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, thank you for talking to RT.
BA: Thank you for coming to Syria, again.

Viimati muutis seda toorum (Nelj Märts 28, 2013 4:23 pm). Kokku muudetud 1 kord
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